Fire Monitoring Of Canada Inc.

电话号码: 888-789-3473
传真号码: 905-688-0733
详细地址: 235 Martindale Rd, St Catharines, ON
邮政编码: L2W 1A5
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-18162-5912
With over 25 years of experience, Fire Monitoring of Canada Inc. (FMC) has established itself as a leader in the fire alarm monitoring industry. Specializing in the early notification of fire alarm signals to the fire department, FMC can provide the added benefit of electronically transmitting your fire alarm signal directly to your local fire department using OPEN ACCESS™. As a ULC-listed Signals Receiving Centre (SRC), we can provide a fire monitoring solution that is ideal for facilities such as hospitals, schools, high rise residential units or any commercial and/or industrial building that is required to be monitored under the Fire Code.

Although FMC specializes in the monitoring of fire alarm systems, we bring solid know how and experience to the installation, monitoring and maintenance of many other types of applications. Intrusion or security systems, water level indicators, access control, environmental temperature levels, defibrillator units, and elevator phones are all environments with which FMC has substantial expertise in monitoring. FMC can be your “one stop shop” for all of your monitoring needs.
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