Emergmart Response Systems, Inc.

互联网站: www.emergmart.com
电话号码: 905-479-3500
详细地址: 500 Alden Road, Unit 10, Markham Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: L3R 5H5
城市: 万锦
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-76964-5591
As front line paramedics we have responded to every kind of emergency medical situation imaginable. In almost every instance, whether on the street, home or workplace, the atmosphere was chaos. The ill or injured person doesn't have time for chaos. They need your help and they need it now.

So we racked our brains to solve the problem: restoring order from chaos. The solution was surprisingly simple - develop an emergency medical response plan. It sure would be nice if we could write a manual, publish it and watch the bucks roll in from our villa in Barbados. Unfortunately, every situtation is different. Your plan at home will be different from the workplace. And every home and workplace is different.
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