Canadian Water Network

电话号码: 519-888-4567
详细地址: 200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON, Canada
邮政编码: N2L 3G1
城市: 滑铁卢
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
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At the Canadian Water Network, we are driving Canada’s progress on three core water management challenges: protecting public health, protecting watersheds and ecosystems, and ensuring sustainable water infrastructure. With these challenges in mind, we enable Canada to address the big picture and challenge traditional thinking surrounding water. This leads to the development of robust solutions that address multiple needs and are appropriate to regional realities.

Canadian water research offers a wealth of knowledge that can augment experience, inform policy and practice and provide relevant solutions to many challenges. CWN’s decade of experience has led to our evolution as an organization that plays a critical intermediary role of improving the connection between the research and those involved in the wide variety of roles that are related to managing water in the public and private sector.

Our approach focuses on connecting resources, people and knowledge to ensure that this broad group of “water managers” is able to access and apply the most relevant research available to address their water challenges. CWN brings together key decision-makers to determine shared water management needs across municipalities, industry and governments from local to national. We then find the right research partners to address those needs, ensuring that the right combinations of knowledge yield tangible results.

Our success stems from taking a collaborative approach to all projects we support. Collaboration and knowledge mobilization are rooted in our consortium research model. We bring multiple players together to drive progress on Canada’s most challenging water issues.
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