Ag-Tronic Control Systems Inc.

电话号码: 519-727-0888
其它电话: 1-888-559-1110
传真号码: 519-727-0999
详细地址: 439 Silver Creek Industrial Rd., Lakeshore, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: N8N 4W2
城市: 温莎
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-36303-21748
Ag-Tronic Control Systems Inc. in Leamington, Ontario has succeeded in designing and manufacturing automated sorting and grading systems that will set new industry standards for the 21st century.

Our innovative systems provide customers with increased productivity and product quality, resulting in considerable savings in operating costs.

Our ability to tailor appropriate technical as well as practical solutions to customer needs is a result of over 20 years experience both in Canada & Abroad.

Located in the fastest growing greenhouse population you will find the most innovative automation design and manufacturing company to take the agricultural industry by storm.
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