Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson

电话号码: 905-479-5291
传真号码: 866-937-0360
详细地址: 159 Main St, Suite 2, Unionville, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: L3R 2G8
城市: 万锦
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-79036-4165
The Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson advises individuals, partnerships and corporations on the structuring, purchase, sale or restructuring of businesses, not-for-profit corporations and charitable organizations. Kevin has experience working on some of the largest corporate transactions in Canadian history and he will bring this expertise to service the business law needs of his clients in an efficient, cost saving and effective manner. The Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson provide our business clients with a range of legal services.

Purchasing a home represents one of the biggest financial commitments in a person’s life. At the Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson we offer our clients personal attention and comfort in every real estate transaction. One of our primary goals is to educate our clients about their real estate transaction so that they are informed buyers or sellers. We make ourselves available to our clients to review their agreement of purchase and sale, answer any questions they may have, and explain the steps involved in closing their transaction. In addition, we make sure our clients are able to identify and understand what role the lawyer, real estate agent, and they play in ensuring their real estate transaction closes smoothly.

Many people put off estate planning or attempt it without a lawyer's assistance. Everyone should have a will in place and having access to legal counsel while preparing your will ensures that all issues relating to your personal situation are considered and dealt with appropriately. At the Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson, we will prepare an estate plan to give you peace of mind and ensure that your children and financial assets are adequately protected.
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