Parkinson Society Central & Northern Ontario

电话号码: 416-227-1200
传真号码: 416-227-1520
详细地址: 4211 Yonge Street, Suite 321, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: M2P 2A9
城市: 多伦多
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-78805-6112
Parkinson Society Canada is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer based charity with more than 240 chapters and many support groups working nationwide.

The Central & Northern Ontario region of Parkinson Society Canada contributes to the national research program while regionally offering support services, information and specialized programs to ease the burden for those living with this chronic, degenerative neurological disorder.

The Central & Northern Ontario region covers a large geographic area from St. Catharines to Kingston and then north to include all of Northern Ontario. The region is divided into 5 districts: North, Toronto, East, West and Central (York Simcoe). Each area has a number of chapter or support groups with a Community Development Coordinator assigned to support People Living With Parkinson’s throughout the region.
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