Canadian Franchise Association

电话号码: 905-625-2896
其它电话: 1-800-665-4232
传真号码: 416-695-1950
详细地址: 5399 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 116, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: M9C 5K6
城市: 怡陶碧谷
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-28558-4652
The Canadian Franchise Association (CFA) was founded in 1967 by a small group of franchisors who recognized the need for a national organization committed to the growth, enhancement and development of franchising across the country. Over 40 years later, CFA – a not-for-profit national trade association – represents almost 500 franchise systems and the professionals who support the industry.

As the national voice for franchising in Canada, CFA promotes excellence in franchising and works with all levels of government to ensure the development of industry-made solutions. Recognized as a leading national trade association in the field, CFA educates Canadians about franchising, specific franchise opportunities and proper due diligence through its many events, programs and publications.

By joining us at this site, you are likely considering purchasing a franchise business. Maybe you are just testing the water or trying to learn more about the franchise industry.

We always emphasize that franchisees are in fact buying a business. The buyer, however, must always remember that there are risks involved. But, they can be reduced if the proper homework is done.

CFA represents many of Canada's best known brands and the expert professionals who support their way of doing business. Our Board of Directors represents all regions of the country and promotes a strong code of ethics as well as the mandatory use of the CFA disclosure document guide. In signing on as a CFA member, a company agrees to give potential franchisees all the information they require to make a viable business decision.
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