Crystal World Inc.

电话号码: 905-940-4999
传真号码: 905-940-0126
详细地址: 179 Denison St, Markham, ON
邮政编码: L3R 1B6
城市: 万锦
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-23998-6091
Crystal World Inc is one of the premiere manufacturers of crystal chandeliers in the world. Our founder's Middle Eastern heritage and the company's 20 year North American history continues to inspire our design creativity, technique, style and quality craftsmanship. Europe is where the heritage began, and where European artisans, over a period of 250 years have developed and carefully perfected the crystal Hand-Cutting and polishing techniques. long term dedication to provide the world market with Crystal Chandeliers, which above all exemplify unsurpassed quality, value in price, styling and ranges, continues to be our objective. High quality sources of Crystal components are used in our manufacturing process in Europe and worldwide.
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