Prostate Cancer Canada

电话号码: 416-441-2131
其它电话: 1-888-255-0333
传真号码: 416-441-2325
详细地址: 2 Lombard Street, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada
邮政编码: M5C 1M1
城市: 多伦多
省区: 安大略省
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Prostate Cancer Canada is the only national foundation dedicated to the elimination of the disease through research, education support and awareness.

Our goals are twofold – to fund research that will uncover better diagnostic and treatment options and to provide comprehensive support services for those living with prostate cancer.

In 1994 Ron Evason founded the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Canada. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1993, he realized that there was little, if any, high caliber research being done for the disease. The Foundation’s mission was to support research into the cause, cure, and prevention of prostate cancer.

The Foundation worked tirelessly with professionals and organizations to advance the prostate cancer cause. A 1997 National Prostate Cancer Forum brought together 150 stakeholders to develop direction for future research, communication, and advocacy activities. The Foundation continued to move forward on forum recommendations by participating in the Prostate Cancer Alliance of Canada.

In July 1999, the Foundation merged with the Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Fund, to become the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada. Since then, the Foundation has become one of Canada's foremost organizations dedicated solely to raising funds for research to eliminate prostate cancer.

In May 2009, after ten years of successful fundraising and research efforts, the Foundation re-branded itself from the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada to Prostate Cancer Canada.
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