Smart Commute - North Toronto, Vaughan

电话号码: 416-650-8205
详细地址: 4700 Keele St (36C York Lanes), Toronto, ON, Canada
邮政编码: M3J 1P3
城市: 北约克
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-312712-5956
Smart Commute - North Toronto, Vaughan (NTV) is an award-winning, non-profit Transportation Management Association (TMA) committed to reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and taking action on climate change. Smart Commute NTV encourages individuals to 'Travel Smarter. Cleaner. Better.' by considering alternatives to single occupancy vehicle commuting such as cycling, transit, carpooling, walking, and telecommuting.

Established in 2001 as the first Transportation Management Association (TMA) in Ontario, Smart Commute - North Toronto, Vaughan now operates two TMA projects: Smart Commute NTV and Smart Commute Northeast Toronto (NET).

The organization works with a range of leading employers and property managers, from the fields of health care and manufacturing, to universities and consultants, representing approximately 90,000 employees, students, and volunteers.

In 2009-10, Smart Commute NTV and NET and their partner employers collectively prevented almost 400,000 single occupancy vehicle trips and 20 million vehicle kilometers travelled. These actions avoided over 4,600 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

Smart Commute is a program of Metrolinx and the municipalities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The Smart Commute network has helped build transit ridership, incent vanpooling and encourage carpooling through the installation of carpool parking spots and its Carpool Zone website.
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