Bond International College

电话号码: 416-248-8191
传真号码: 416-248-8980
详细地址: 5 Queenslea Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
邮政编码: M9N 3X9
城市: 北约克
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-1359-2961
Bond International College has been contributing to the success and development of students from around the world for over 25 years. Our commitment to you is to provide an integrated learning, living and personal development environment that is founded on academic achievement and is driven by your needs.

Since 1978, thousands of Bond graduates have successfully gained admission to some of the most prestigious universities in Canada. Our caring and experienced staff will deliver quality academic programs and services to you. We provide a full-range of services for students including residence, nutritious meals, tutoring, planned excursions, physical activities, student clubs, and much more. Thank you for taking the time to view our college website, and please feel free to contact us for additional information.

At Bond, we succeed when you succeed.
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