Supreme Pierogies Inc.

电话号码: 905-362-0362
其它电话: 1-888-362-0362
传真号码: 905-362-5099
详细地址: 1190 Mid-way Blvd, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: L5T 2B9
城市: 密西沙加
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-50114-4635
Supreme Pierogies Incorporated is family owned and operated and has revolutionized the pierogy market ever since the first year of establishment. This company has come a long way since originating in the basement of a small home in Mississauga Ontario on April 1, 1991. Through its years of experience and expansion Joseph Wilk, the founder and owner of the company had developed a way to mass-produce pierogies that had maintained the quality, taste and texture of the original and traditional hand made pierogy.

Supreme pierogies manufactures and distributes 19 varieties of frozen pierogies. Currently we produce two popular brands of pierogies. The Supreme Pierogies Brand has been in the market for over a generation and enjoyed by families who are pierogy critics and experts. These customers have often compared our pierogies to those that their mother or grandmother make. These pierogies are manufactured at our Matheson Location. The JJ Wilk Pierogies Brand is new on the market appealing to the busy families who need to cut down on cooking time without sacrificing quality with a pre-cooked versatile pierogy. This Brand is manufactured in our new state of the art facility at our Midway location. We are proud to announce that this location is HACCAP registered for food safety and quality manufacturing systems.
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