Advanced Test & Automation Inc.

电话号码: 647-477-6247
详细地址: 641 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario, Canada
邮政编码: L9T 3J2
城市: 弥敦
省区: 安大略省
网上地图: 查看大图
Web Directory No.LK-39191-3552
Advanced Test & Automation Inc. is a mechatronics engineering firm that develops software-based test systems to prove the functionality and durability of next-generation components that interface to engines and other rotating applications.

Testing scope includes advanced gasoline and diesel engine components, fluid power systems and power-split devices.

Advanced Test & Automation Inc. is founded in Mechatronics, the synergistic combination of Mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering, in order to design and manufacture useful test and control systems.

The term mechatronics is defined as multidisciplinary engineering system design, that is to say it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines.

With this key differentiating factor, a mechatronics engineering team unites the principles of mechanics, electronics, and computing to generate an effective, simpler, more economical and reliable system.
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