Maritime Electric Company Limited

电话号码: 1-800-670-1012
传真号码: 902-629-3630
详细地址: 180 Kent Street, Charlottetown, PE, Canada
邮政编码: C1A 7N2
城市: Charlottetown
省区: 爱德华王子岛
网上地图: 查看大图
Electric Services
Web Directory No.LK-367906-8658
Since 1918 Maritime Electric has delivered electricity in Prince Edward Island, providing reliable service at the lowest possible cost in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Maritime Electric Company Limited is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc. and operates under the provisions of the Prince Edward Island Electric Power Act and the Renewable Energy Act.

For information about Fortis Inc. and the Fortis Group of Companies, please visit

Maritime Electric owns and operates a fully integrated system providing for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to customers throughout Prince Edward Island.
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